Tag: graphic design

Graphic Design Portfolio

August 17, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Seems like I’ve been spending lots of time working on my “prepare a portfolio” class. Half the weekend and most nights since last Thurs. It’s pretty much done now. I’ll whack it up here under a cut when I am back at base. I like the colour scheme and overall layout. The mag cover will […]

Passed again

August 9, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Woo. Looks like two of us passed our printing processes assignment. The rest failed to reference properly and are currently “not yet competent”. I said “get used to it” to a fellow classmate. It came out harsher than I meant. I had meant to mean, ‘in work life, often when trainees learn something new, it […]

Magazine covers and portfolios

July 29, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Wed night I decided to hand in my indesign magazine cover mock up a week early. At this point it was discovered that I’d not selected “print using document bleed settings” so no bleed was evident. Good pick up. On Thursday night we started a new subject which ends in us presenting a portfolio in […]

This week in design

July 20, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

In print processes we are submitting our research into the history and current state of printing processes and have an exam on Thursday. In finished art, I thought we had another 4 weeks, but a fellow student is saying 2. I will check my schedule later. Anyhow, in this we have to put the Inpress […]

Disappearing into the either !!!

July 7, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Argh. Opened up my inpress logo file and it was the older clunky version. My sync of my desktop and laptop appears to have written old over new. So, 2hrs after getting home from class, it is 99% to my liking. The unhappy with new teacher students got a talking to this evening in the […]