Magazine covers and portfolios

July 29, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Wed night I decided to hand in my indesign magazine cover mock up a week early. At this point it was discovered that I’d not selected “print using document bleed settings” so no bleed was evident. Good pick up.

On Thursday night we started a new subject which ends in us presenting a portfolio in acrobat. Much of my website has the required content and I’ll continue the colour scheme into my docco. The downside was that the business name I’d semi seriously been using does not say designer to a designer. So, I rebranded when I got home to an alternate name which makes it blindingly obvious my business is design – Vralien Design. I’ll probably keep the web address as it stands until the domain expires in a little less than a year, as at present my website is more mock up than serious.

In tax news, I’m gong to be hit for about $4500 thanks to dodgy course advisor advice. Looks like it’ll be easier and more cost effective to pay upfront. Meanwhile. I have 2 – 3 pay cycles before tax is due, so can reduce what I owe the tax man quite a bit before submitting my return.