This week in design

July 20, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

In print processes we are submitting our research into the history and current state of printing processes and have an exam on Thursday.

In finished art, I thought we had another 4 weeks, but a fellow student is saying 2. I will check my schedule later. Anyhow, in this we have to put the Inpress logo we recreated in “brief 1” into a magazine cover specified in “brief 2”, as well as manipulate some photos by “deep etching” which is a fancy pants way of saying, “cut out the background of an image”. Once I add the required text to this, it is all done.

In other related news, it is tax time. Going to be bad as course advisor said would not have to pay back student loan until course finished. In reality, not so as I earn about 30k over the threshold limit so I’ll need to pull 2k or so out of thin air. Anyone wanna commission me? LOL.

For those wanting tips on design related stuff, two podcasts I find are good for this are “logo design” and ” the indesigner”.

Next post will likely be on how I thought my exam went.