Tag: drawing

Quiet on the front

December 7, 2010 By Paul Yeatman

Not much this week (and last).  Painted some colours, in gradients from 100% white to 100% black, then started with a  colour and tinted it one way and hued it the other (added white to the left and black to the right). Began working on a colour wheel. Last night I worked on my layers […]

More of the hot redhead

November 29, 2010 By Paul Yeatman

After faffing around last week and most of this week working on a portait of my gf (which I have ditched for another photo), I scrapped last week’s classroom work and began anew.  What I got up to in three hours is below.  All that is left is to fix up some of the hair and […]

Rubbery Reptiles anyone?

October 25, 2010 By Paul Yeatman

I am finding working with illustrator at school a little frustrating.  The main contributor to this is not being able to take the CS4 Classroom in a Book, books home.  I couldn’ possibly source an evaluation pdf file of one of them. In other news, below is the completed week 2 work, Giger’s Nubian Queen […]