Graphic Design Coursework Submission day

November 16, 2010 By Paul Yeatman

Not much to chat about today.  Tonight I submitted my Design Sketches for Commercial Design, aka Drawing.

Besdies the core tasks, I drew a couple of other items in line: a chilly and a spider.  I did not take pics of them so I’ll have to post pics once I get my submission portfolio back.

I also collected my scholarship submission so it is safely back in my portfolio.  Hmm, looks like I never posted a pic of that little work, so here it be….the brief was ‘design a federated flag of you…you the individual.  Whack it on something if you are interested in graphic design’

I received a special mention for my submission.

Scholarship submission

Oh yeah, I put a 0.1 black pen tip through one of my fingertips as I was not looking as I recapped it.  Ow!  Meant I had some trouble mounting some work and not getting blood on it.  Argh.

Now I’m off to bed!
