Tag: submission

Late late night

July 24, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Looks like the slow computer was due to extended disc access time. So it is easier to work with shared files (laptop and desktop) I normally access them via a networked drives. Same mapped drive letter, local computer files only, synced after moving machine. The network is running like crap at present – I think […]


July 23, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Two nights until submission for my current subjects. The anti vandalism job was a rush job and turned out quite simple. I had a brain wave in how to print slug in illustrator – just expand the art board. Derr! Spent much if the night waiting for illustrator to stop hanging. Annoying when there is […]

Another subject is completed

February 2, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Last night I submitted my “Finished Art Advanced” work.  This made for a short night as I’d closed the book on this work the previous night at 21:30 hours after a last minute “oh crap!”. I thought I’s check the brief to make sure I’d done everything then found out I needed to provide my […]