Tag: coursework

Running Out of Time and ARGH!

September 18, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

While saving my second last assignment, I wound out with an out of memory error.  Now when I try to open the file, I get a “file not readable error”.  Given it is 01:00hrs and my work is due in 2 days, I’m not too happy.  Especially if I cannot resurrect the file and I […]

Book covers

August 27, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

I seem to have spent more time procrastinating than doing. My original plan was to create a dust cover for Anno Dracula but putting an old scalpel on the cover. I changed my mind when I came across a similar design during my research. My second idea was to have Charles Beauregard and Geneviève on […]

2nd Last Semester Over

May 26, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Last Thursday was submission night for Illustrate For Design (Colour).  Thanks to getting my phone line installed on this day, I’d taken annual leave.  This worked out well as I still had about six hours of study to do until I’d got the work into a state fit to submit. If I thought I’d economised […]

Finally, he said

March 22, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Ok. I have not managed to get BIND9 working on my server as yet, but I have this site up and running and it is publicly visible if you know the correct IP address. So, this post is just for testing purposes.  The next thing I’ll need to do is upload it to my aliensniche […]