2nd Last Semester Over

May 26, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Last Thursday was submission night for Illustrate For Design (Colour).  Thanks to getting my phone line installed on this day, I’d taken annual leave.  This worked out well as I still had about six hours of study to do until I’d got the work into a state fit to submit.

If I thought I’d economised on my brake caliper subject, I went even furthur with this subject.  The images for the food labels were meant to be about as big as an A4 page, so I skimpped on the detail knowing at print size, they’d be far smaller.  I also did a pretty rough job on the images as I figured that would result in the “organic” feeling the products were suppsoed to be conveying.

The animal toys would up pretty stylised and crappy.  Not too sure if they are suitable for as commercial illustration, though their purpose was to convery ideas to financial backers, not to win any accolaides.

As well as submitting work, I found out we now have three weeks off.  Once we start back, it is the final run up until October and I’m a fully qualified graphic designer following that.  Ooo ahhhhh.

Portfolio wise, nothing from the last few subjects has been worthy, so perhaps I should apply myself more.