Fight or explode?

February 17, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Tonight we were given our Photoshop assessment task. We must get a photo of ourselves and at least 2 others and collage them together into a graphic illustration advert for ourself. This must be then printed out in A3. So far I have two ideas. 1. Close up of head and torso. Top of head […]

Week off course work

February 9, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Week off from campus.  So, on Monday night I traced (badly with some, better with others) my name as printed in old style, modern, script, block serif, sans-serif and decorative.  The block serif was easiest as it was mainly straight lines.  Doing this I got an appreciation of the subtle differences between old style and […]

What’s that about kerning you say?

January 25, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Started on typography last week.  This week we had to give a presentation on six eamples of typography we liked.  Here are mine… (since then, I’ve discovered that typography is more than fancy pants stuff like seen below). Snap on Logo: Here we have a logo for a company that provides high level tools and […]