Fight or explode?

February 17, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Tonight we were given our Photoshop assessment task. We must get a photo of ourselves and at least 2 others and collage them together into a graphic illustration advert for ourself. This must be then printed out in A3.

So far I have two ideas.
1. Close up of head and torso. Top of head missing. A glow and god rays emanating from it and a whole bunch of ideas (represented by various action figures I have) shoved in there.
2. Me in the middle in an action pose. My right hand is griped tightly around an Alien’s tongue while my left arm is thrust through the torso of a Predator. The background is an industrial scene. Plan is to use own reference photos and my alien and predator action figures.

Probably generic ideas, but they could evolve and they will certainly test me.