Category: Study

Portfolios. Argh!

August 27, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Ok, looks like we get feedback on our portfolios and then have to present them in two weeks.  We did some run throughs tonight (I was first cab off the rank).  Based on other’s portfolios, I have some ideas for improvement. Looking at the hours I have spent on the damn thing, if I was […]

Not quite finished art

August 24, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Got my Inpress cover back today. Only got a good (equivalent to a C according to the lecturer).  Apparently the margins were 6 instead of a required 10 (despite being told to set up the docco with 6) and she would have preferred to me to deep etch the photos the way I was shown […]

Graphic Design Portfolio

August 17, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Seems like I’ve been spending lots of time working on my “prepare a portfolio” class. Half the weekend and most nights since last Thurs. It’s pretty much done now. I’ll whack it up here under a cut when I am back at base. I like the colour scheme and overall layout. The mag cover will […]

Passed again

August 9, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Woo. Looks like two of us passed our printing processes assignment. The rest failed to reference properly and are currently “not yet competent”. I said “get used to it” to a fellow classmate. It came out harsher than I meant. I had meant to mean, ‘in work life, often when trainees learn something new, it […]