Not quite finished art

August 24, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Got my Inpress cover back today. Only got a good (equivalent to a C according to the lecturer).  Apparently the margins were 6 instead of a required 10 (despite being told to set up the docco with 6) and she would have preferred to me to deep etch the photos the way I was shown despite the way I did it being okayed in class and the output being to the brief. I’d followed an Internet tutorial on the subject. A couple of rulers were in the wrong place (thanks to shoddy brief instructions IMHO) and the main image could have been Gaussian blurred to reduce the skin pores and the magenta toned down a little   Go figure,  I liked the look of the main picture.  I think this topic was done just to piss us off (or at the very least, designed for psychics).  We keep getting told, “follow the brief”, then on the flip side, as a designer you should blab bla bla.  Anyway, after four late nights working on my portfolio presentation, I’m burnt out at present so do not really care.  The lecturer pulled a potential shifty by having us fill in a survey on the subject prior to providing feedback on our work. Despite this,  I’m going to amend my Inpress cover to meet the real specs.