Category: Diploma of Commercial Arts

Another subject is completed

February 2, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Last night I submitted my “Finished Art Advanced” work.  This made for a short night as I’d closed the book on this work the previous night at 21:30 hours after a last minute “oh crap!”. I thought I’s check the brief to make sure I’d done everything then found out I needed to provide my […]

Course goodness

January 19, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Last night I received my latest results (for intermediate finished art). Competent. Yay. It would be nice if a grading system was used, but oh well. In the current Wed night class we are working on advanced finished art. My thumbnails were presented to he rest of the class an an example of what they […]

Keep your cup

December 15, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Tonight at the witching hour, our 2D design (intermediate) subject is due. Thanks to that, I spent 90 mins at the desk at home working on it. I had done a bit of work in class this evening, but estimated I still had about 3 hours of work left. Last night in class I rejigged […]