Category: Diploma of Commercial Arts


March 18, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

It has now been a week since I installed a Linux derivative on my server.  It has been a week of trying to get a DNS server running so I can have locally configured and accessable URLs.  So far the best I have got is the default server to show up. Still no idea how […]

A Warm Night In Class

March 15, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Thanks to our classroom turning us all into popsicles due to an overactive unconfigurable airconditioning system, class was held on some “park benches” within the facility.  This made things cosy as I did not have to out on any pants until around 20:30hrs.  This semester I’ve ridden all by one night, and that one was […]

Flying Solo

March 2, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Tonight (well last night really) was a pretty quiet class.  I was the only student in attendance.  Besides some info regarding how to draw some architecture, I was left to my own devices. Once my laptop decided it would boot up (40mins of waiting and several reboots), I continued working on some bike bling.  Last […]


March 1, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Another student has dropped out . That leaves me and 3 females. The ratio of males to females reminds me of my microbiology classes at uni. Our current subject is due the first week of April. Supposedly this gives us enough time to get all the work done in class.