Category: Graphic/Web

A mass grouping of posts related to graphic and web design/development.

Competition Followup Thoughts

October 24, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Now that I’ve submitted my designs, it appears that the joke design is the favorite. Lots of positive comments followed by, “can you try this”, or “can you try that”.  Most of the suggestions fail spectacularly. Changes to colours or addition of design elements results in the design become uncohesive, the jersey no longer meshing […]

Flying Solo

March 2, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Tonight (well last night really) was a pretty quiet class.  I was the only student in attendance.  Besides some info regarding how to draw some architecture, I was left to my own devices. Once my laptop decided it would boot up (40mins of waiting and several reboots), I continued working on some bike bling.  Last […]


September 30, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

During this lull I reproduced my cycling club’s logo as a vector and am working on a DL brochure for them. In my real job I’ve been tinkering with laboratory floor plans as we are moving “by Easter”.  

That’s Handy Work

December 16, 2010 By Paul Yeatman

Growing up all the arty and creative types were supposed to be left-handed. I’ve recently acquired a whole swag of fantasy/sci-fi art magazines. Of all the artist interviews, I do not recall any that are left-handed.