Category: Diploma of Commercial Arts

New topic

January 11, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

This evening we began to learn photoshop. Desire have uses this program a little before, I have already learnt new ways to crop and have a better understanding of how to improve the levels on a pic. Pretty poor attendance – there were 4 of us. The others had all bailed with an hour to […]

Back to school

January 10, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Went silly over the Christmas hols and bought a bunch of copic markers, a fast new laptop (the old one’s screen is dying) and a medium intuos 4. Back to school tonight and submission for ‘colour analysis’ is due tomorrow.

It’s been a long time coming

December 21, 2010 By Paul Yeatman

Began my holidays from work on Friday afternoon. Today I picked up a pretty sweet Ebay win – a large light box in good condition for $5.50. Beats paying over $200 for one of trying to make my own from an old scanner (like I had planned). Tonight I got stuck into the various gauche […]

Off to a flying start

December 15, 2010 By Paul Yeatman

Last night I received my first submission back. The grading is either incompetent or competent. I am competent. Along with the official grading, a slip accompanied the folio indicating how good each work is on a scale from poor to excellent. All of my work was excellent (though I consider some slapdash). Not sure how […]

Quiet on the front

December 7, 2010 By Paul Yeatman

Not much this week (and last).  Painted some colours, in gradients from 100% white to 100% black, then started with a  colour and tinted it one way and hued it the other (added white to the left and black to the right). Began working on a colour wheel. Last night I worked on my layers […]