Author: Paul Yeatman

Microbiologist with >15 years in the pharmaceutical industry with such responsibilities as trainer, team leader, auditor, technical writer, validator, quality assurance and control, viable environmental monitoring and more. I've dabbled with computers since the 80's and am fairly IT savvy, acting as a help desk for my immediate and extended family. After toying with visual design since high school, I qualified as a graphic designer in 2012. For leisure I ride and race my many bicycles, create websites, mange my cycling club's social media and am passionate about increasing everyone's knowledge.

Argh, not quite finished!

July 22, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

The joys of a submission date quickly approaching. Last night I was up until 3am working on my event poster.  I had thought I’d finished, but I then discovered I needed some glue tabs for my dvd cover.  Nearly a whole day later piss fasting around and it’s done.  Man! Still trying to figure out […]

Tyrrell Cinema

July 16, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

I spent much of Sunday working up my mythical cinema’s logo. Given it will basically be a footnote on my A2 event poster, the time allocated was a bit much. Still, always good practice working up a new logo. I learnt how to create a symbol then paint that onto an extruded and beveled path. […]

Cyborg Smackdown

July 5, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Looks like the blog section has been a bit slack. We started back at class 3 weeks ago. Subject 1 requires us to design an A2 poster for a made up event for a made up company. I decided to do a movie double feature – The Terminator and RoboCop. The style for this is […]

2nd Last Semester Over

May 26, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Last Thursday was submission night for Illustrate For Design (Colour).  Thanks to getting my phone line installed on this day, I’d taken annual leave.  This worked out well as I still had about six hours of study to do until I’d got the work into a state fit to submit. If I thought I’d economised […]

Life is full of distractions

April 4, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Thanks to trying to set up a home server and moving house, I’ve been too distracted to post here. Here, being my niche’s site, not the LiveJournal one. I’ve just uploaded wp to this site, so should be back into the swing of things after Easter. Tonight is the submission for “produce commercial illustrations”. Images […]