Tag: visual communication

More of the hot redhead

November 29, 2010 By Paul Yeatman

After faffing around last week and most of this week working on a portait of my gf (which I have ditched for another photo), I scrapped last week’s classroom work and began anew.  What I got up to in three hours is below.  All that is left is to fix up some of the hair and […]

Vectorize This!

November 23, 2010 By Paul Yeatman

To start of, tonight we had to whip up some color wheels in illustrator using the pathfinder feature and some use of the swatches.  Following that, the fun stuff began.  We have three weeks to produce an A3 sized vector image of a head of whoever we choose as long as they are human.  I […]

Has anyone seen a path around here?

November 15, 2010 By Paul Yeatman

Had a much easier time with Illustrator tonight.  The night was spent doing a graded assessment again.  This time we made use of the pathfinder function.  I found it much easier going than the pen tool. Behind the cut is week one’s assessment  – using the pen tool to draw fonts.  Also, I’ve put the […]