Tag: indesign

Not quite finished art

August 24, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Got my Inpress cover back today. Only got a good (equivalent to a C according to the lecturer).  Apparently the margins were 6 instead of a required 10 (despite being told to set up the docco with 6) and she would have preferred to me to deep etch the photos the way I was shown […]

Professional Practice

March 31, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

A really short night tonight talking about invoicing and keeping transaction records. We also touched upon good magazines to keep up hip the the trends in the industry. Last night thanks to a migraine, I came home from work around midday and stayed in bed until about 20:00. I did not miss much in class […]

InDesign and Professonal Pracitce

March 25, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Wednesday night we began to learn InDesign.  This is like Publisher, and a whole lot of other stuff.  To quote some podcasts we listed to, it’s ‘kinda cool’ in regards to what it can do. Thursday night we began professional practice. Here we learn that there are about 250 advertising mobs in the country, 6000 […]