Tag: coursework


March 1, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Another student has dropped out . That leaves me and 3 females. The ratio of males to females reminds me of my microbiology classes at uni. Our current subject is due the first week of April. Supposedly this gives us enough time to get all the work done in class.

Another subject is completed

February 2, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Last night I submitted my “Finished Art Advanced” work.  This made for a short night as I’d closed the book on this work the previous night at 21:30 hours after a last minute “oh crap!”. I thought I’s check the brief to make sure I’d done everything then found out I needed to provide my […]

Graphic Design Portfolio

August 17, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Seems like I’ve been spending lots of time working on my “prepare a portfolio” class. Half the weekend and most nights since last Thurs. It’s pretty much done now. I’ll whack it up here under a cut when I am back at base. I like the colour scheme and overall layout. The mag cover will […]