Back to school

October 12, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

It was back to school after a 3 week break. In a swap, Weds are now practice, and Thurs now computer. Wed nights we are working on black and white illustration. Brief 1 is draw a pet and owner to promote a 1950’s style pet show. Brief 2 is design 4 cartoon mascots for a […]


September 30, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

During this lull I reproduced my cycling club’s logo as a vector and am working on a DL brochure for them. In my real job I’ve been tinkering with laboratory floor plans as we are moving “by Easter”.  

Resumes and Portfolios

September 1, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Ok.  This has been what has been taking up waaaay toooooo much time in my life at present.  3 hours a week at home?  I think not.  This has taken many late nights over the course of three weeks.  Either I’m way too slow, unskilled in the programs, or too much of a perfectionist (even […]

Portfolios. Argh!

August 27, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Ok, looks like we get feedback on our portfolios and then have to present them in two weeks.  We did some run throughs tonight (I was first cab off the rank).  Based on other’s portfolios, I have some ideas for improvement. Looking at the hours I have spent on the damn thing, if I was […]