Archive of Student Work

Diploma of Commercial Arts (Graphic Design)

C3001A – Produce Commercial Sketches for Graphic Design (drawing)

C3002A – Analyse Colour For Design (Colouring)

C3003A – Apply Typography & Layout For Design (Typography)

C3004A – Create 2D Design (Basic) (Logo creation – Anderson Orbital)

C3005A – Finished Art Basic (Inpress magazine cover)

C3006A – Research Printing Processes (Book binding and related)

C3007A – Produce Finished Art (Intermediate) (Presentation folder, brochure and pitch)

C3008A – Apply Professional practice (How to set up shop)

C3009A – Prepare a Portfolio (Make a portfolio)

C3010A – Produce Electronic Design (Fundamentals) (Illustrator vector art)

C3011A – Produce Electronic Imaging (Basic) (Photo manipulation)

C4015A – Illustrate For Design (Black and White) (B/W 1950’s rabbit)

C4016A – Apply Fundamental Advertising Principles (Selling 10cm bits of string)

C4017A – Create a 2d Design (Intermediate) (Keep Cup)

C4018A – Produce Commercial Illustrations (Perspective, Phorealism in Photoshop, Infographic)

C4019A – Produce Finished Art (Advanced) (Magazine insert for HACPS 1950’s)

C4020A – Produce Electronic Imaging (Intermediate) (Photorealism in Illustrator)

C4021A – Produce Electronic Design (Advanced) (Photomanipulation turorial)

C4022A – Research Copyright (Theory): This consisted of a 90 minute movie and a discussion.

C4023A – Illustrate For Design (Colour) (Madigan’s all in one animal feed)

DP025A – Produce Fashion Illustrations (Givenchy Ready To Wear Line – Autumn 2013)

DP026A – Create 2d Design (Advanced) (event poster – Cyborg Smackdown)

DP027A – Apply Advanced Advertising Principles (Anti vandalism challenge)

DP028A – Produce Book Illustrations (Anno Dracula)

DP029A – Create a Package Design (Cadbury Cones Star Pack)

DP030A – Writing For Graphic Design (Identify copywriting styles)

DP031A – Produce a Corporate Design (Zipp Speed Weaponry history / Rebrand GeoVision)

DP032A – Produce Electronic Imaging (Advanced) (Book/publication creation)

DP033A – Photography For Graphic Design (Show Photo Examples From A Magazine)

Two additional subjects were cash cows for my course provider. If I’d been savvier, I would have applied for credits. These subjects did not have an official class and the knowledge passed on in them should be part of everyone’s DNA these days…

BSBCMN205A – Use Business Technology

ICPMM263A – Access and Use The Internet

Here are some photos from my graduation.

