C3009A – Prepare a Portfolio

The Brief

Task 1: Produce a portfolio and present it to class.

Task 2: Produce a (designed) resume

Task 3: Write cover letters for three (3) graphic design job ads.

Allocated Time: 7 weeks or 42 hours. In reality, tweaking my portfolio lead to many many 1am bed times in the last week!

Source Materials and Thumbnails

No thumbnails as this site has most of the content of my portfolio!

Finished Work

What we have here is a whole bunch of PDFs…


Designed Resume

Presenter notes for portfolio

Advert for Jnr Designer and Digital Media Producer

Cover letter for Jnr Designer and Digital Media Producer

Advert for Technical Services Manager

Cover letter for Technical Services Manager

Advert for Layout Artist

Cover letter for Layout Artist


No written assessment, but I passed.
