DP029A – Create a Package Design

The Brief

Design a boutique premium icecream pack with between 2 and 6 individual serves individually packaged.

Packaging should appeal to those with money and a sweet tooth.

Graphics should have a strong shelf appeal and the actual box should depart from what is typically available.

Labelling should include reference to sustainable packaging and encourage recyling.

Targeted retailer is high end speciality supermarket, delis and prestige grocers.


  • must contain single serves
  • outer pack must be carton-board (aka cardboard)
  • consumer demographic to be researched
  • high quality graphics and embellishments required for shelf appeal
  • ARC logo required
  • production consumption to be considered in design


Allocated Time: 4 weeks or 24 hours

Thumbnails / Working Ideas

See the pitch.

Finished Work

See the pitch.

