How much will this Graphic Design Diploma cost me?

September 24, 2010 By Paul Yeatman

Not withstanding any personal costs etc…what’s the financial hit for partaking in furthur study?

Okay, given the Government is loaning me the course fees, what else requires an outlay?

Well, plenty it would seem.

I need to purchase a graphic arts kit for $300 from my college, Adobe CS5 design suite (I found design master student version for about $314 from an online vendor, no pirated software for this little alien).   My current laptop is a bit old – 2G of RAM, no dedicated display card and a bit heavy to lug around (it’s a Toshiba M63-809).  I’ll probably replace it in the next month with a speedier rig that has at least 4G of RAM.  Seems the widescreen glut has made finding a 15″ with a decent screen resolution a little tricky.  Budgeting her for about $1000, new or second hand.

I’m also toying with the idea of getting an el flasho printer, such as the Canon Pixma Pro9500, just because I find it drool worthy (that’ll set me back another $1000 or so).