Category: Study

InDesign and Professonal Pracitce

March 25, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Wednesday night we began to learn InDesign.  This is like Publisher, and a whole lot of other stuff.  To quote some podcasts we listed to, it’s ‘kinda cool’ in regards to what it can do. Thursday night we began professional practice. Here we learn that there are about 250 advertising mobs in the country, 6000 […]

Photoshop and Typography

March 20, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

This week I finsihed my photoshop montage.  See  behind the cut. It was also submission week for our typography module.  We had a test that took 15 minutes, thought the cheese or font section (put in for a joke) was stressfull as I none of us knew this until the test had finished. It’s late […]

Chains – A New Font Exploration

March 11, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Getting a little slack with posts. Last week we were tasked with creating our own typeface. Preferably this would be not based on an existing one. So, due to this I am using an old bicycle chain. Pics to follow. With my Photoshop self promotion task, I’ve wound up going for a sin city comic […]

Fight or explode?

February 17, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Tonight we were given our Photoshop assessment task. We must get a photo of ourselves and at least 2 others and collage them together into a graphic illustration advert for ourself. This must be then printed out in A3. So far I have two ideas. 1. Close up of head and torso. Top of head […]