Author: Paul Yeatman

Microbiologist with >15 years in the pharmaceutical industry with such responsibilities as trainer, team leader, auditor, technical writer, validator, quality assurance and control, viable environmental monitoring and more. I've dabbled with computers since the 80's and am fairly IT savvy, acting as a help desk for my immediate and extended family. After toying with visual design since high school, I qualified as a graphic designer in 2012. For leisure I ride and race my many bicycles, create websites, mange my cycling club's social media and am passionate about increasing everyone's knowledge.

Rubbery Reptiles anyone?

October 25, 2010 By Paul Yeatman

I am finding working with illustrator at school a little frustrating.  The main contributor to this is not being able to take the CS4 Classroom in a Book, books home.  I couldn’ possibly source an evaluation pdf file of one of them. In other news, below is the completed week 2 work, Giger’s Nubian Queen […]