Tag: visual communication

What’s that about kerning you say?

January 25, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Started on typography last week.  This week we had to give a presentation on six eamples of typography we liked.  Here are mine… (since then, I’ve discovered that typography is more than fancy pants stuff like seen below). Snap on Logo: Here we have a logo for a company that provides high level tools and […]

What Type of Typography is That?

January 21, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

We started on typography this week. This subject ends with a test and next week we have to give presentations on some type examples that appeal to us. Learnt a few more things in Photoshop, such as how to use the mask function and a better way to use filters so they can be saved […]

Cutting it close

January 12, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Three hours is not enough time to cut and stick. Submission was due at 9pm. Thanks to leaving the cutting out of labels and drawings and sticking everything to black card to tonight, I finished with 5 mins to spare. That was with rushing the choosing of magazine full page adverts representing moods. At least […]

New topic

January 11, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

This evening we began to learn photoshop. Desire have uses this program a little before, I have already learnt new ways to crop and have a better understanding of how to improve the levels on a pic. Pretty poor attendance – there were 4 of us. The others had all bailed with an hour to […]