Tag: graphic design

Business as usual

July 1, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Not much new in the land of study. Our finished art teacher grates on most of the class. They are used to easy going teachers, not ones that expect you to do homework, know how to use adobe programs and catch up on missed classes outside of class. I’m fine with the new person, even […]

Finished Art and Print Processes

June 24, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

An on to our next subject grouping. We are looking at how to prepared finished art, so it’s back to the illustrator tool.  After some warmup excercises, we get to recreate the Inpress logo (a street mag here in Melbourne) from a crappy jpg and then mock up a mag cover (I’m pretty sure it’s […]

Presentation night

May 27, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Got back my InDesign brochure. Passed but could have done better. The pics used were a tad dull, which I knew. Presented my logo design and corporate package for Anderson Orbital, an tethered cargo transport company. It was well received. Pages from my presentation showing the brief and final designs to follow shortly. Next week […]

Teaching others

May 12, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Last night the plan was to finalize my InDesign document. Instead, I spent much of it helping two of the women who seemingly are yet to begin (the thing is due next week).  That’s cool as I love sharing what I know and teaching others. In the end I got all my text and images […]