Late late night

July 24, 2012 By Paul Yeatman

Looks like the slow computer was due to extended disc access time. So it is easier to work with shared files (laptop and desktop) I normally access them via a networked drives. Same mapped drive letter, local computer files only, synced after moving machine. The network is running like crap at present – I think the router is about to expire. That is probably why It took 3 hours to do a 15 minute job.

Perhaps I should move it off my computer’s subby.

Went to Officeworks at around 23:30 to print my A2 works. Picking them up after work tonight.

My Terminator figurine arrived last night. Haha. About 2 days too late.

I was up until 3 :30hrs resurrecting my site. It got hacked. Looks like a hacker in a box wrote over the index file. Curious that my CSS and header files wound up being old versions. Prefixing the WordPress fb tables with wp_ certainly makes it easy to fuck with people’s shit.