Category: Study

Mascots done / cool jobs

November 15, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

My teacher said that my rabbit needed a nose so the final versions of the rabbit from my previous post now have noses and whiskers. I’ll post those once I have access to my desktop. Saw a graphic artist job advertised at a medical research institute in the city today. Something like that could be […]

Slight change of direction

November 3, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Originally for my mascot, I was going to draw a beatnik aardvark, mainly because I thought I’s have no way of anthropomorphizing one.  I’ve ditched the James Deanish rabbit for a beatnik and called him Victor, for want of a better name. The four renderings are supposed to be in black and white with greys […]

Class progress made

October 21, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

After two weeks of fluffing around I decided to use an old cartoon rabbit as my 50’s expo cartoon mascot. Now all I need to do is give him a James Dean look. Still pondering what to do for the pet and owner pic. Maybe something like the Doris Day pic where she has all […]

Back to school

October 12, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

It was back to school after a 3 week break. In a swap, Weds are now practice, and Thurs now computer. Wed nights we are working on black and white illustration. Brief 1 is draw a pet and owner to promote a 1950’s style pet show. Brief 2 is design 4 cartoon mascots for a […]

Resumes and Portfolios

September 1, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Ok.  This has been what has been taking up waaaay toooooo much time in my life at present.  3 hours a week at home?  I think not.  This has taken many late nights over the course of three weeks.  Either I’m way too slow, unskilled in the programs, or too much of a perfectionist (even […]