Author: Paul Yeatman

Microbiologist with >15 years in the pharmaceutical industry with such responsibilities as trainer, team leader, auditor, technical writer, validator, quality assurance and control, viable environmental monitoring and more. I've dabbled with computers since the 80's and am fairly IT savvy, acting as a help desk for my immediate and extended family. After toying with visual design since high school, I qualified as a graphic designer in 2012. For leisure I ride and race my many bicycles, create websites, mange my cycling club's social media and am passionate about increasing everyone's knowledge.

Professional Practice

March 31, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

A really short night tonight talking about invoicing and keeping transaction records. We also touched upon good magazines to keep up hip the the trends in the industry. Last night thanks to a migraine, I came home from work around midday and stayed in bed until about 20:00. I did not miss much in class […]

InDesign and Professonal Pracitce

March 25, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Wednesday night we began to learn InDesign.  This is like Publisher, and a whole lot of other stuff.  To quote some podcasts we listed to, it’s ‘kinda cool’ in regards to what it can do. Thursday night we began professional practice. Here we learn that there are about 250 advertising mobs in the country, 6000 […]

Photoshop and Typography

March 20, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

This week I finsihed my photoshop montage.  See  behind the cut. It was also submission week for our typography module.  We had a test that took 15 minutes, thought the cheese or font section (put in for a joke) was stressfull as I none of us knew this until the test had finished. It’s late […]

Chains – A New Font Exploration

March 11, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Getting a little slack with posts. Last week we were tasked with creating our own typeface. Preferably this would be not based on an existing one. So, due to this I am using an old bicycle chain. Pics to follow. With my Photoshop self promotion task, I’ve wound up going for a sin city comic […]