Author: Paul Yeatman

Microbiologist with >15 years in the pharmaceutical industry with such responsibilities as trainer, team leader, auditor, technical writer, validator, quality assurance and control, viable environmental monitoring and more. I've dabbled with computers since the 80's and am fairly IT savvy, acting as a help desk for my immediate and extended family. After toying with visual design since high school, I qualified as a graphic designer in 2012. For leisure I ride and race my many bicycles, create websites, mange my cycling club's social media and am passionate about increasing everyone's knowledge.

Presentation night

May 27, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Got back my InDesign brochure. Passed but could have done better. The pics used were a tad dull, which I knew. Presented my logo design and corporate package for Anderson Orbital, an tethered cargo transport company. It was well received. Pages from my presentation showing the brief and final designs to follow shortly. Next week […]

Teaching others

May 12, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

Last night the plan was to finalize my InDesign document. Instead, I spent much of it helping two of the women who seemingly are yet to begin (the thing is due next week).  That’s cool as I love sharing what I know and teaching others. In the end I got all my text and images […]

Iconic mayhem

April 8, 2011 By Paul Yeatman

More indesign work on Wed night. It took me about an hour to refresh my memory from two weeks ago. I also seemed to be helping other people more than doing my own work. Thursday night we began 2d design / logos. At the end of this eight week topic we will have designed the […]