C3002A – Analyse Colour For Design

The Brief

Create three colour scales, a colour wheel and design a theme wrapping paper. Colour a grey scale ad you find in a event magazine.

Provide magazine adverts to show you understand how colour is used to convey mood.

Allocated Time: 7 weeks or 42 hours

In Progress and Finished Work

I’ll add the final and inprogress Pagan Elipsis ads and perhaps the examples of ads to show mood at some point.

Not much in the way of “in progress” work as for this subject.

Click on an image to begin a slide show.

Some course writingSome course writingSome course writing Colour Scales Colour Moods Colour Wheel - back Colour Wheel - front Colour Wheel - final Some course writing Orignal ad and thumbnails Final ads Some course writing Leaf for wrapping paper

Wrapping Paper version 2 – a tad messy

Wrapping Paper version 3 – final



Blog Post About This Assignment

I’m Slip Slip Slipping – Only Got a “Very Good” Mark

It’s been a long time coming

Quiet on the front

